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#riboyshome 2019-2020 school year

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"

nelson mandella said it best, right?

education is one of the MOST important things for our boys.

haiti's literacy rate is 61% & did you know that school is costly to most. with the average income being $1793.55 it is a heavy burden for most parents, but still they fight. we all fight because we know even with the best education life is still incredibly difficult. with education comes knowledge & knowledge comes power. we are responsible to give our boys a fighting chance to make the very best life for themselves & their future families. we have the amazing chance to give them everything they need to succeed & everything we pour into them they get the chance to pour into others.

with that being said we are already planning for our boys 2019-2020 school year!

makendy 2019 - he made the highest grade in the whole house, schooling 85%. we are so incredibly proud. 

with everything we do we depend on our donors. we are so very thankful for each donation. with all the turmoil in haiti it has been very difficult raising funds this year. even with the government issues in haiti life is still going on. there are still needs to be met. would you consider sponsoring one of our boys for the school year?

alix just gave us fees for their school year:

tuition: $300 for each child
uniforms: $350 for all uniforms including fee to make all uniforms
books & materials: $50 each child
sports: $50 each month

$4250 total for their school year

                                                    TOGETHER WE CAN DO IT

sincini, st.franel, sonson, & dadou this last school year

all our boys 2019

me & sonson last year

me & herlin last year

wilderson 2019

robenson 2019

all of these faces are why we do what we know God has called us to do. we don't make a dime with our non-profit for ourselves. every penny goes to these boys. their home, their food & water, their education. we want to do more than just meet the basic needs for them. you might not be able to get to haiti but you can help is. pray with us that their story gets in the right hands to be able to help us provide for them. SHARE our page & our posts to greater our reach. donate what you can. every donation counts, matters & is appreciated. 




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